I am
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amirah says hi

An awesome A+, Shawol, Inspirit and Blackjack. A proud 14 year old. I food, Korean people and my ultimate biases are Cheondung and Minho ^_^ ~ K-POP's my drug

My lips are the gun. My smile is the trigger. My kisses are the bullets. Label me a killer.


Daphne Hazirah Clair Sofea Link
My awesome & hugeee family ^O^
Hello there :)

I know I've been lazy and all :B i'm sorry for not updating . Everyday, I tell myself to post a new entry but I just can't find the suitable (?) time XP Me is so sorry aites ?

So, I went to Vivo last Saturday :) Spent some quality time with my cousins ^^ Its been awhile since I last saw them :B We shopped, shopped and shopped . Teeheehee, mummy kindly bought me this sweater at Forever 21 :D Thank you mummy ♥ And, i bought jelly beans ! Yay :) Haha, I got nothing else to talk about . Hurrrrrr, well see you till the next post :) 안녕 earthlings ~ 

Amy, Auni, Elisha ♥

My favorite little boy ^O^

His signature pose :P

Safura ♥

Aniq Matin ♥
P.S. See his eyebrows ? He's like a little kitty ~
They are natural btw ^^

Oh, and did I say that I slept over at my cousin's that night and we went to the Zoo the next day ? Loooool, i'm putting it as my next post . Watch out for it okay ? ᄏᄏᄏ

♥ Amirah ♥

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#SWCSG (100911♥) [ Pictures ] FAN-ACCOUNT #SWCSG (100911♥) SHINee Quotes ♥ Precious vocal :) Get me the bag :'( SM TOWN IS ♥ 2PM Malay Version ^_^ #4 Help hyung with my leg hairs Taemin ~ #3