I am
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amirah says hi

An awesome A+, Shawol, Inspirit and Blackjack. A proud 14 year old. I food, Korean people and my ultimate biases are Cheondung and Minho ^_^ ~ K-POP's my drug

My lips are the gun. My smile is the trigger. My kisses are the bullets. Label me a killer.


Daphne Hazirah Clair Sofea Link
Geylang Trip ~
I went out at 0230 and met up with the cousins an aunts ther I got myself one songket . Walked around the area a lot of times and I finally decided on one .. I forgot what color it is ~ Lololololol ^^

Look at him trying to act cute ^_^

He was playing peek-a-boo when my sister snapped this ~~
Then, at 0530 we sat at the food court and decided to wait . The mothers however were not tired and still went on with the shopping .. I stayed with my cousins and we just sat there and hanged out together . It was good cause its been quite some time since I last met them . My 2-year old cousin Aniq Matin was really clingy with me .. Haha, he keeps telling me to carry him or hold his hand . It gets quite tiring and irritating after quite some time . But, he's cute though . He's a ♥ ~

Then, after buka . We went shopping again and I got myself another pretty white kebaya :) I 'm loving it to the max ♥ ... Then we went to the bazaar and bought food for sahur then at around 1100 we decided to went home cause there's work and school tomorrow ..

The thing that pissed me off was how difficult it was to get a cab there . Hundreds of taxis passed us by . But when we hailed it , they just passed us by cause they are obviously waiting for 1200 so as to charge the passengers the midnight charge . Grrr, I was so exhausted and that got me on my nerves -_____- So anyway at 1120, we got a cab and reached home at 1140 . I showered , ate ( i know its going to be midnight and i'm still eating >.< ) and packed my bag for tomorrow . Then at 0100 , i slept ..

My eyes weighed a 100 grams when I woke up at 5 for sahur . Felt like pon-ing school but then remembered that I've the Music project to do and I didn't want to miss out NDP celebration :) And I went .. NDP celebration blog post wil be up next :) Thanks for spending your time reading my useless post ^_^ ~

♥ Amirah ♥

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