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amirah says hi

An awesome A+, Shawol, Inspirit and Blackjack. A proud 14 year old. I food, Korean people and my ultimate biases are Cheondung and Minho ^_^ ~ K-POP's my drug

My lips are the gun. My smile is the trigger. My kisses are the bullets. Label me a killer.


Daphne Hazirah Clair Sofea Link
NDP Celebration 2011 (School)
Hey there :D

NDP celebration was practically normal . Its kinda the same like last year's .. It was kinda short . So here was what happened ..

We assembled and then were distributed to our place to watch the parade . As for our class, we got the area outside the computer lab on level 4 . The place we got was good, shady and all but the thing is, we're facing the opposite side of the parade . I wanted to take good shots of the parade but I gave up cause there's no use taking pictures of the back view .. Right ? T.T So here's what I MANAGED to take ~

The BAND people :) See Hazirah ?? She's 2nd at the back . That freak ^_^


Then, we got back to class .. Mrs Tan came in kinda late so I went around and took pictures :D

Sofea's forever acting cute -.-
haha ^^

My name is Ramakrishnan Gowri Shankar !

Nicole Loo & Irliana ~

LOL at Sandy with her file :D

Jordon Chiong Hao Zu , what's up with the hand ?? o.O

:):):):) i like this picture :):):):)
It was so hard to take a picture with Phyllis . Taken only after pullings and persuasions  ..

This picture kind of gives out the '1st day of school' vibe don't you think so ? LOLOLOL ^^

And then, we painted banners and my group decided to put our hand prints on the banner (its my idea, i'm so brilliant ^^) since there was only 15 minutes left to do it and that wouldn't take too long and it would get the job done fast ~ So here's the final product >>>

Red = Sofea
Yellow = Me
Purple = Vivi
Blue = Nicole

Don't you think the yellow prints looks the best ?? ;)
Muahahaha ^_^

Then, we had the 'concert' . It was okay . Cikgu Nadiah was so CUTE upstage :) The teachers all did a wonderful job :D Except for one who made me wanted to puke :P Then, we were released .

We had to finish our music project . But Sofea had her English Test to do and we were going to film at her house so we decided to wait for her at the NLB . Just sat there and enjoyed the free air-con :) We're fasting, remember ? ~ Hazirah was wearing her 2-inch heels and when she talks to me , she keeps looking down and keeps on calling me shorty :'(

She got herself blisters in the end .. Haha, you MORON :P
Then Sofea came and we met up . We went to her house and waited for Irliana .. While waiting , we were searching for inspirations and ended up watching 2PM's You're Beautiful Parody . Jang Wooyoung is soo cuteee !! :D Its still funneh even when I've watched it before :> Then, Irliana came . We discussed on what we wanted to do and decided to go look for sound effects . Irliana and Adilah fell asleep while us three, searched for it . And, I don't know how eventually we ended up watching Suju's EHB and laughed our asses off ^_~ And, when I say that, I seriously mean it .. After an hour +, we decided to start filming . It was a blast filming but I'm afraid I'll end up looking like a retard when the video's done editing . Ah whatever, i did my best .. I became the robber together with my moron, Hazirah . There were a lot of cuts in between the scenes . And, the scarf thing I wore as a disguise was suffocating me all the time -.- I'm looking forward to the result . Might post it up if the others are okay with it :) LOOK FORWARD TO IT !!  its 0427 right now and I gotta catch up on my sleep so ADIOS fellas :)

Smiling on the outside but secretly dying out of exhaustion inside -_-
Anyhows, I absolutely ♥ this photo ^^

♥ Amirah ♥

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