I am
tag please or die

amirah says hi

An awesome A+, Shawol, Inspirit and Blackjack. A proud 14 year old. I food, Korean people and my ultimate biases are Cheondung and Minho ^_^ ~ K-POP's my drug

My lips are the gun. My smile is the trigger. My kisses are the bullets. Label me a killer.


Daphne Hazirah Clair Sofea Link
2PM Malay Version ^_^

Ohmygod, 2PM looks so kawaii in here ;)
Anyway, 2PM as well as myself, Amirah, is wishing every Muslims out there a Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin :)


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˙sƃuıɥʇ ʇɐ ʞool noʎ ʎɐʍ əɥʇ əƃuɐɥɔ oʇ ʇoƃ əʌ,noʎ

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Help hyung with my leg hairs Taemin ~

HAHAHAHAHA, this is the most bizarre thing I've seen SHINee do . Lol at Taemin helping Jjjong 'trim' his leg hairs ^_^ They are so cute and Taemin is being such a love by helping Kyuhyun with his name-thingy :)

P.S I changed the BGM to MBLAQ's 모르겠어요

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Love is, handing someone a gun, and trusting them not to pull the trigger - Spongebob Squarepants ♥
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Here's the end product of our Music Project/Video . I edited it twice so yeah, go and watch it :)

The acting's kind of awkward o.O i know, but anyway, I enjoyed filming the video so enjoy :D

P.S I got permission from Sofea to upload this video online ~

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She comes off as strong, but maybe she fell asleep crying. She acts like nothing is wrong, but maybe she's just really good at lying.
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I suck like hell

Hello, its been weeks since I last wrote . This blog is so dead -.- I feel guilty Yeah so, good and bad things have been happening in the past few weeks. Actually, there were more of bad than good things ...

♥ I bought 2 shoes :D
♥ Got SHINee's official lightsticks
♥ Paid for the shirts

♦ Failed maths test
♦ Getting scolded (always -.-)
♦ Lying
♦ Being lazy (in terms of homework and chores)
♦ Being restless all the time

Gosh, i don't know what's gonna happen to me. Sometimes, i feel just like strangling myself to death for being so stupid, clumsy, unreliable and most importantly useless. But then, i can't, won't and never do that cause I know there are still people who cares for me and are always wishing the best for me. I have great, wonderful family and friends who are always there to support me in whatever I'm doing. And I'm thankful for that. I really am =) THANK YOU ~

P.S. Cheondung's so cute in here ^_^


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Taemin looks terrified :) LOLOLOLOL
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I'm like a mirror. If you smile at me, I'll smile back, but if you 

show me the finger, I'll show you mine.
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10 AUGUST 2011
Helloooooooooooooooooooooooo ~~

Woke up at 8 today and I slept at 5 yesterday which means that i only had 4 hours of sleep :/ Showered got ready and met up with Irliana before meeting up with Sofea . Then we went for maths remedial . And, Ms Teo forgot that the remedial is set at 10 am and she waited for us at 9 . No one came and she thought everyone bailed on her .. LOLOLOLOL . I thought only the three of us were supposed to come but Miza, Jun Hui, Shawn and Guan Liang had to come too .. Did some practices, blablabla . Then at 1140, we were allowed to go home but I stayed cause i wanted extra practice ^^ I so guai . Then , Irliana and JunHui did their corrections and since I didn't bring mine, i ended up drawing some random shit with Miza and Sofea ^_^ Heheheheh

Sofea's = Glass hour
Miza = Chicken/Rooster 

Then, Irliana needs more time so we watched those crazy Japanese game shows and we hysterically laughed like assholes ☺ It was so throat hurting painful . I ♥ Japanese and Korean shows . They're nothing like the shows here in Singapore ^_~ Then, we went home . I took the bus 181 home instead of 243 cause I didn't want to walk a long way . Its not that I don't want to go home with you guys okay ? Irliana and Sofea ~~ I was just  so tired because of my lack of sleep .

Went home, showered and watched the K-Pop MVs all on TV . Then, without knowing it, I slept . Woke up at 0630 to buy food for buka . I had Mee Goreng ^^ 너무 맛있는 . Yeah, its 0910 now and I'm still full .. Maths test tmr . Gotta go study . Byess :)

♥ Amirah ♥
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I just finished reading this one awesome book .. Its so real that I cried :'(

Here's the summaryAs children, Jennifer Harris and Cameron Quick were both social outcasts . They were also each other's only friend . SO when Cameron disappeared without warning, Jennifer thought she'd lost the one person who would ever understand her . Now in high school, Jennifer has been transformed . Known as Jenna, she is popular, happy, and dating—everything "Jennifer" couldn't be . But she still can't shake the memory of her long-lost friend . 

When Cameron suddenly reappears, they both are confronted with memories of their shared past and the drastically different paths their lives have taken . 

What I thinkIt's the kind of a book you sink into and feel immersed in the world and story . Every page you turn to, you dread for more and more . It was hard for me to put this book down . I love the characters in this story . There's no one for you to hate on cause every character here has their own holes . When Cameron came back, Jenna started neglecting her boyfriend, Ethan, her friends, and most importantly, her new life . She started paying more attention to Cameron , and this was when I felt that it was unfair for Ethan :( Soon, they broke up .. This was kinda expected, huh ? :< But, the funny thing is how I kept wanting to have something more than being just super close friends between Cam and Jenna . I kept wanting them to be together . The ending kind of disappointed me as I didn't know if Cam and Janna would ever meet up again . And ! Cameron left her again after meeting up with her when all this while she thought he was dead after he went missing when they were in middle school . Leaving her all alone, cold and empty again . Jenna Vaughn is such a wonderful person who is always strong-willed :D

Now go read it ! Whatchu waiting for !!!!!!!!

♥ Amirah ♥
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NDP Celebration 2011 (School)
Hey there :D

NDP celebration was practically normal . Its kinda the same like last year's .. It was kinda short . So here was what happened ..

We assembled and then were distributed to our place to watch the parade . As for our class, we got the area outside the computer lab on level 4 . The place we got was good, shady and all but the thing is, we're facing the opposite side of the parade . I wanted to take good shots of the parade but I gave up cause there's no use taking pictures of the back view .. Right ? T.T So here's what I MANAGED to take ~

The BAND people :) See Hazirah ?? She's 2nd at the back . That freak ^_^


Then, we got back to class .. Mrs Tan came in kinda late so I went around and took pictures :D

Sofea's forever acting cute -.-
haha ^^

My name is Ramakrishnan Gowri Shankar !

Nicole Loo & Irliana ~

LOL at Sandy with her file :D

Jordon Chiong Hao Zu , what's up with the hand ?? o.O

:):):):) i like this picture :):):):)
It was so hard to take a picture with Phyllis . Taken only after pullings and persuasions  ..

This picture kind of gives out the '1st day of school' vibe don't you think so ? LOLOLOL ^^

And then, we painted banners and my group decided to put our hand prints on the banner (its my idea, i'm so brilliant ^^) since there was only 15 minutes left to do it and that wouldn't take too long and it would get the job done fast ~ So here's the final product >>>

Red = Sofea
Yellow = Me
Purple = Vivi
Blue = Nicole

Don't you think the yellow prints looks the best ?? ;)
Muahahaha ^_^

Then, we had the 'concert' . It was okay . Cikgu Nadiah was so CUTE upstage :) The teachers all did a wonderful job :D Except for one who made me wanted to puke :P Then, we were released .

We had to finish our music project . But Sofea had her English Test to do and we were going to film at her house so we decided to wait for her at the NLB . Just sat there and enjoyed the free air-con :) We're fasting, remember ? ~ Hazirah was wearing her 2-inch heels and when she talks to me , she keeps looking down and keeps on calling me shorty :'(

She got herself blisters in the end .. Haha, you MORON :P
Then Sofea came and we met up . We went to her house and waited for Irliana .. While waiting , we were searching for inspirations and ended up watching 2PM's You're Beautiful Parody . Jang Wooyoung is soo cuteee !! :D Its still funneh even when I've watched it before :> Then, Irliana came . We discussed on what we wanted to do and decided to go look for sound effects . Irliana and Adilah fell asleep while us three, searched for it . And, I don't know how eventually we ended up watching Suju's EHB and laughed our asses off ^_~ And, when I say that, I seriously mean it .. After an hour +, we decided to start filming . It was a blast filming but I'm afraid I'll end up looking like a retard when the video's done editing . Ah whatever, i did my best .. I became the robber together with my moron, Hazirah . There were a lot of cuts in between the scenes . And, the scarf thing I wore as a disguise was suffocating me all the time -.- I'm looking forward to the result . Might post it up if the others are okay with it :) LOOK FORWARD TO IT !!  its 0427 right now and I gotta catch up on my sleep so ADIOS fellas :)

Smiling on the outside but secretly dying out of exhaustion inside -_-
Anyhows, I absolutely ♥ this photo ^^

♥ Amirah ♥

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Geylang Trip ~
I went out at 0230 and met up with the cousins an aunts ther I got myself one songket . Walked around the area a lot of times and I finally decided on one .. I forgot what color it is ~ Lololololol ^^

Look at him trying to act cute ^_^

He was playing peek-a-boo when my sister snapped this ~~
Then, at 0530 we sat at the food court and decided to wait . The mothers however were not tired and still went on with the shopping .. I stayed with my cousins and we just sat there and hanged out together . It was good cause its been quite some time since I last met them . My 2-year old cousin Aniq Matin was really clingy with me .. Haha, he keeps telling me to carry him or hold his hand . It gets quite tiring and irritating after quite some time . But, he's cute though . He's a ♥ ~

Then, after buka . We went shopping again and I got myself another pretty white kebaya :) I 'm loving it to the max ♥ ... Then we went to the bazaar and bought food for sahur then at around 1100 we decided to went home cause there's work and school tomorrow ..

The thing that pissed me off was how difficult it was to get a cab there . Hundreds of taxis passed us by . But when we hailed it , they just passed us by cause they are obviously waiting for 1200 so as to charge the passengers the midnight charge . Grrr, I was so exhausted and that got me on my nerves -_____- So anyway at 1120, we got a cab and reached home at 1140 . I showered , ate ( i know its going to be midnight and i'm still eating >.< ) and packed my bag for tomorrow . Then at 0100 , i slept ..

My eyes weighed a 100 grams when I woke up at 5 for sahur . Felt like pon-ing school but then remembered that I've the Music project to do and I didn't want to miss out NDP celebration :) And I went .. NDP celebration blog post wil be up next :) Thanks for spending your time reading my useless post ^_^ ~

♥ Amirah ♥

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SHINee's Juliette Japanese Version ~

Watch this or you'll die ! Lolololol joking XD

 No seriously, go watch it :) Everyone's so hot in here .. Especially my 남자 친구 민호 !!  He looks so awesomely dashing in here . His smile is killing me >.< *drools*

Whatever go watch it like right now .. OKAY ?! ~~

Adios ^^
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Shopping (Y)
Went to Jurong Point with mummy today ♥ Bought the red tee for National day . Its kinda pathetic how I've got to go and buy a new shirt every time the 9th of August arrives . Its either I've outworn the shirt or the shirt is not anymore to my liking ;) So, I had fish & chips for buka just now :D Then, we went shopping for a bit . I didn't buy any clothes cause Mummy said sh'es broke .. Haha right, she bought herself 2 shirts and said to me she's broke -.-

So since its the fasting month, I got mummy to buy me those cute lip balms up there since my lips get too dry and chapped easily ^^ I got the monkey and giraffe one :) Yeah, they work so awesomely I'm in love with those little cuties :) Its 0257 in Singapore right now . Have to wake up for sahur at 5 later . I'm in no mood to sleep and I dunno why :/ My eyes are heavy though . I kept yawning since the start of this post ... Hah :]

Okay bye ~ Gonna continue with my daily 2NE1 TV fix :D 안녕 내가 사랑하는 사람
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SWC Overnight Ticketing ^_^ Part 2

The lines of people in the 2nd batch ~

Panda and Sandehh :)

Our wrist tags . Still keeping It as a remembrance ^_^

This was when I can still smile without knowing the situation I'll be in soon ^^

To fill our time, selcas are taken :)
Our booking form :D Paid a total of $884 ..
Took this right after we got our tickets :) Happy freaks ^^
10 September '11, I'm waiting ♥

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SWC Overnight Ticketing ^_^
Hey there :)

I know i'm a little late to post this but I've got to do it as I promised to myself that I will write a post about it :)
So here it goes ..

I went with Sofea and Sandy, we reached SCAPE at about 9pm . Sofea's parents gave us a ride :) THANK YOU ^^ So, we waited in the mall till it was 1150 then they told us to go to the basement for some 'briefing' and so we went . And, when we reached there, people were already queuing up and it was a LOT of people >.< Then we were told to follow the queue . We sat about 10 minutes before we were told to stand up again . Then people started pushing and rushing to the front . It was like a 'WTF' situation for me at that time . Such bitches -_- Yeah, so then after settling down, there were a lot of false alarms about the wrist tag about to be give out so people were like stand and sit stand and sit .. Haha ~ Then, we realized that people who are supposed to be behind us are now in front of us . Those friendly parents who were with us told us to go to the front but there was no way we could cause they won't budge even a bit -.- Know what, i stuck my hip to the left so that the girl next to me would move but she kept digging into my hips and didn't move even a little bit    -.- Gahh, i was so irritated and scared . Scared because of the snakes of queues . I was worried  I wouldn't get the tickets :( It was so hot there in the basement and we had to wait for such a loooonnnngggg timeee :'(

And so, finally the wrist tags came . They said the queue starts at 1159 but it started At 12+ -______- Then , we were moved back to the mall . I was in the 2nd batch which was still okay with me :) And so we spent our night there . Some slept while some stayed up . Some played SHINee's songs and we started singing along :) It was great :) Then, they gave out F&N right after everyone settled down and milk tea at around 3pm . People all around were grateful ^^ Thanks for the drinks :D I slept and woke up repetitively but finally got a 2 hours sleep around 4-5 :)

Woke up at 6 and made friends with other Shawols .. I thought they were my age or younger but most were around Taemin's age . 93-er .. Guess they look young o.O Shawols there were super friendly . It was easy talking to them :) Feels like we've been friends since we were young ~ Regret not taking photos or exchanging numbers :/ Sheesh, i'm such a babo ..

Then, the official queue started at 0910 . Yes, 0910 . 10 minutes late D: When we went in, the queue was longer than what I had expected it to be :/ Then, it was 1000 and we barely made it to half the queue . People were all worried . Some brought their laptops and started going to the SISTICs website . Some took out their phones and called the hotline . Then, people were screaming and squealing once they got their tickets . That made me want to burst out in tears . To think of all we went through and go home ticket-less was too much for me to bear   :'(

Then the arena sold out . My heart went duk-duk-duk so fast .. That was when we finally entered the half portion of the queue .. It was a mixed emotion point of time . I started texting Hazirah and my sister to constantly look out for the SISTICs website and if people were already selling online .

We were reaching the front part of the queue when they started playing SHINee's songs . I was still afraid if I wouldn't get my hands on the tickets and my eyes got watery . Sandy started panicking when she saw me .. Lolololol , she's so cutee :D But, JENGJENGJENG we made it and got the tickets :D:D:D:D:D We started screaming and squealing on our out . The staffs were smiling when they saw us but the people who were still in the queue were staring at us .  HAHA ~~

Personally, I wouldn't want to queue overnight anymore . Its so back-breaking painful .. ^_^

[ I'd post the pictures on another post, i know its a bit lengthy but whatever ]
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