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amirah says hi

An awesome A+, Shawol, Inspirit and Blackjack. A proud 14 year old. I food, Korean people and my ultimate biases are Cheondung and Minho ^_^ ~ K-POP's my drug

My lips are the gun. My smile is the trigger. My kisses are the bullets. Label me a killer.


Daphne Hazirah Clair Sofea Link
10 AUGUST 2011
Helloooooooooooooooooooooooo ~~

Woke up at 8 today and I slept at 5 yesterday which means that i only had 4 hours of sleep :/ Showered got ready and met up with Irliana before meeting up with Sofea . Then we went for maths remedial . And, Ms Teo forgot that the remedial is set at 10 am and she waited for us at 9 . No one came and she thought everyone bailed on her .. LOLOLOLOL . I thought only the three of us were supposed to come but Miza, Jun Hui, Shawn and Guan Liang had to come too .. Did some practices, blablabla . Then at 1140, we were allowed to go home but I stayed cause i wanted extra practice ^^ I so guai . Then , Irliana and JunHui did their corrections and since I didn't bring mine, i ended up drawing some random shit with Miza and Sofea ^_^ Heheheheh

Sofea's = Glass hour
Miza = Chicken/Rooster 

Then, Irliana needs more time so we watched those crazy Japanese game shows and we hysterically laughed like assholes ☺ It was so throat hurting painful . I ♥ Japanese and Korean shows . They're nothing like the shows here in Singapore ^_~ Then, we went home . I took the bus 181 home instead of 243 cause I didn't want to walk a long way . Its not that I don't want to go home with you guys okay ? Irliana and Sofea ~~ I was just  so tired because of my lack of sleep .

Went home, showered and watched the K-Pop MVs all on TV . Then, without knowing it, I slept . Woke up at 0630 to buy food for buka . I had Mee Goreng ^^ 너무 맛있는 . Yeah, its 0910 now and I'm still full .. Maths test tmr . Gotta go study . Byess :)

♥ Amirah ♥
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