I am
tag please or die

amirah says hi

An awesome A+, Shawol, Inspirit and Blackjack. A proud 14 year old. I food, Korean people and my ultimate biases are Cheondung and Minho ^_^ ~ K-POP's my drug

My lips are the gun. My smile is the trigger. My kisses are the bullets. Label me a killer.


Daphne Hazirah Clair Sofea Link
My awesome & hugeee family ^O^
Hello there :)

I know I've been lazy and all :B i'm sorry for not updating . Everyday, I tell myself to post a new entry but I just can't find the suitable (?) time XP Me is so sorry aites ?

So, I went to Vivo last Saturday :) Spent some quality time with my cousins ^^ Its been awhile since I last saw them :B We shopped, shopped and shopped . Teeheehee, mummy kindly bought me this sweater at Forever 21 :D Thank you mummy ♥ And, i bought jelly beans ! Yay :) Haha, I got nothing else to talk about . Hurrrrrr, well see you till the next post :) 안녕 earthlings ~ 

Amy, Auni, Elisha ♥

My favorite little boy ^O^

His signature pose :P

Safura ♥

Aniq Matin ♥
P.S. See his eyebrows ? He's like a little kitty ~
They are natural btw ^^

Oh, and did I say that I slept over at my cousin's that night and we went to the Zoo the next day ? Loooool, i'm putting it as my next post . Watch out for it okay ? ᄏᄏᄏ

♥ Amirah ♥

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#SWCSG (100911♥) [ Pictures ]

My pretty official (^^) pearlescent blue lightstick

Minho-yah~ Chulbal !
[I ♥ my yeobo x1000]

Happy Key's Day :)
[ Happy birthday Diva ~ ]

Jjong !

Cute cards ^O^
[ Onew, Taemin, SHINee Lucifer era,  OnTae ]

Pen B's purple wrist tag

Official SHINee XL stickers

This was before the start of the concert (Y)

Credits: Sofea


After the concert~
We were still awed by the boys ^^

Onew's ^v^

Some of the banners hung at the arena & terrace

LOL, we found this on the floor ^^ Freebies are the best :D

Ahhh, i look like some retard here :P

Haha, her bias is Onew but she's wearing Jjong's tee :B

샤이니 오빠  !!~

♥ Amirah ♥

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Okay, so here I go :)

I woke up at 7 in the morning. Yeah, 7am when I slept at 1am :x The girls said they wanted to meetup earlier for breakfast and chiong to the stadium asap . So around 8++ we met up . We didn't take the mrt though :) Minni's dad brought us there :) The car is hugeee , i like :D but we didn't have our breakfast cause her dad has been waiting for quite a long time . I starved to the stadium, lol ~ So on the way, we practiced the fanchants :) Awesome moments i never want to forget ^^ We were practically bubbling with excitement throughout the whole journey ^ v ^ 

As soon as we reached, we went looking for the queue ... And holy crap, the queue for Pen B was so long . It was seriously veryveryvery long, i'm not even exaggerating :B The thing is, Pen A's line was so short, seriously very short . People must have queued overnight or reached at dawn or something . Crazy bitches :/ BTW, we reached around 9.40 or so, which was STILL very early .

Then, we got in the queue . Sandy and Minni went to buy food and there was this Japanese woman behind us . Her make-up is crazy, she keeps reapplying them due to the hot weather :D Hahaha, noona fan-----I've never seen one before btw . There was this 2 girls in front of us whom I thought were buddies but appeared to be siblings ^^ Silly me~ My first impression of them was stuck-up but they were apparently very nice, in fact very friendly and funny :D Told you, it was easy making friends with Shawols ^^

Then, we were brought into this area where its sheltered . It was seriously very hot in there at first . Our butts hurt from sitting too long and my jeans were ribbing into my hips :P One word, ouch . The shocking thing is that we were one of the last few people in Pen B D: Then, Sandy and Minni almost had to go re-queue as they came back from buying the food quite late . Thank god, they were allowed to join the queue :) At 11++ they started giving out the wrist tags as promised . Mine was purple (PEN B) Pink is for PEN A. After the wrist tags were issued, we could go anywhere as long as we come back by 3.30pm . So I went to the mall ( I forgot what the name is ) with Sofea . As we were walking there, we could hear JONGHYUN !! [they was singing to Up & Down =O] SHINee was rehearsing !!~ That made me became more hyped up !!~ Then, Sofea called her mum . Her mum also went to the stadium ( to check up on her but we're already in the sheltered area so we didn't meet ) and saw SHINee getting out of their white van for rehearsals ^^ We were already shouting like baboons :D My heart went duk-duk-duk so badly ... As soon as she hung up her phone, there was this Korean couple sitting by the steps and they said 안녕하세요 to us being the friendly natured-people which they are really like. Out of shock, we just merely said 안녕 . Lol, we spoke Banmal to a stranger who are older than us ^O^ So, we got our food and there was quite a few wearing the individual member t-shirts ^^ I was wearing 민호's btw :D Sofea and Minni were wearing 정현's and Sandy was wearing's 키's . And, did I tell you how hard it was for us to get these shirts ??? Sheesh, never mind I'll just skip that part . So, we got our drinks and headed back to the stadium.

While waiting for the cue to enter the stadium, fanbases were giving out this cloth banners and cards . I got Key, Minho and Jjong's banners :) Didn't get maknae's and leader's though ): The cards they gave out were reallyreally cute ^o^ Everything was free, shiok right ♥♥♥ Then, Sandy and Minni went to collect the lightsticks . The color was very pretty ^_~ 정말 예쁜 .. Then it was 3.30pm . There was suddenly a lot of wind and the sky got darker (?) It suddenly turned very cold, I was glad though cause I know Jjong is not really fond of the hot weather, kekeke ^^ Everyone was rushing to go to the toilet including us , we were almost locked out but were let in as soon as we showed our tags :B Pfft ... Then the crew/staff started shouting " ARE YOU READY ?! " to get us all hyped up ( As is i'm not hyped up enough :D ). They even said SHINee is dressing up now and people started screaming ~~ I sat there calmly but wild thoughts of them dressing up played in my mind . Hahaha, R-21 ~ I even played stylist and Sofea played Minho . We were like , "Oh wait, your make-up is uneven *touches face* " and "There's something on your shirt *pats the back and shoulder etc etc* " We are insane . I know :D Then, the siblings who are already originally tall wore these 4-5 inch heels ^^ I was a head shorter because of their heels ^O^ LOLOLOL~~

Then, we were headed inside by 5.20 . But our bags were checked for cameras before entering, I hid mine in my wallet ^^ clever huh ? the security was tight this time round which was good :) We entered and the staging was INCREDIBLE !! Super nice okay ?? People started gushing in and soon the whole stadium was filled . There were banners of different fanbases hung, including from other countries like Indonesia . And, one of the siblings was standing in front of me, blocking half of my view :P That was when I regretted not bringing my heels :[ Then, my phone died . DIED !! Stupid battery >< I was planning to do live updates and it bailed on me x__x Grrrr >< Videos/ads were played on the screen and everyone was already shouting . LOL ^^ It was funny cause there was no SHINee . Just some random ads with JJ Lin . It was 6.09 pm when the lights were turned off ~ Everyone was already screaming and people in the arena and terrace were all standing up too :) The lightsticks were so pretty, words can't describe it ♥ I have never thought i could see the beautiful pearlescent blue sea :'( And I was jumping and screaming even before the intro video was played :D Lost my mind by the time the lights were dim ^_^ ᄏᄏᄏ

That was when it all started :D

1. The SHINee World

It kicked off with the video :) ♫ I wanna know you, know you ♫ OHMYGOD, THE CROWD WENT CRAZY AND BALLISTIC !!!! I was even crazier, jumping and screaming my lungs out ^O^ It was so fcukin awesome the feeling :D Then, one by one each member jumped onto stage . The first person I saw was our Almighty Diva Key :D There was just this sexy aura coming from him the moment i saw him ♥ smiling to the crowd :) he was the Key, I knew all along :) But I still couldn't believe my eyes though ^^ It was SHINee !!!! I got even crazier when Minho came to my area :D Excuse me, this is his wife here okay ? ᄏᄏᄏ Then, it got to the part when the members have the spotlight only on them :) Jjong and Onew was maintaining their cool image, i could see it ^^ cute people :) Taembb was showing of his popping skills :) Key was being sexy ♥ and Choi Minho is just as charismatic as he is ^_^

2. Senorita

Their dancing skills are just DAEBAK :D I especially liked the part where they had the pelvic wave ^O^ ᄏᄏᄏ Uhhh, nothing much happened except for the crowd going crazier every time each member sang their lines~ And, oh yeah since the mosh pit area was quite empty . People started moving around, following SHINee wherever they went to . In Senorita, SHINee only used the front stage so everyone moved forward except for me cause I know they will be moving forward for the next song ^O^ smart ass here , lol, no ^_^

3. Amigo

♫ Cold hot baby, cold eyes baby ♫ SHINee was screaming getting us more hyped up~~ The crowd was uncontrollable ^_^ and they started flying in the air :D It was so coooooooool :> And Taembb's long note, it was awesome :) Good job there mushroom :) And Sofea went, '' Wow, he's improved '' . HAHA :D and Rock Version ftw ♥

4. Juliette

♫ Juliette! yeonghoneul bachilkkeyo, Juliette! jebal nal bada jwoyo Personally, this was the first ever song by SHINee which I got attached to... It means a lot to me and hearing and seeing them perform live was .............. gosh, i just can't describe it . When I remembered that Jjong wrote the lyrics, I almost teared up when the familiar beats of it played ;~; I'm sorry for being mushy but Juliette is a big deal to me . It is the first SHINee song which I truly liked listening to ♥ The moves etc. They turned into Romeos and executed all the moves perfectly :) They started walking around and I see a lot of MinKey :) And you know, the part where they move in circles ? We shouted the member's names each time they face us and Jongkey smiled ♥ fan services jjang !!~ Then, Taemin moved to my area and during one of the parts when they go ' Juliette ' , Taemin turned around and pointed to one lucky fan ------- SANDY !!! She then made a heart over her head and he laughed/smiled ^O^ sho cute :) omfg, i was so jealous >< but because its Sandy, I'm happy for her :] And, jjong flied solo too ^~^

5. Greeting Session

And they talked :) their voices ahh, heaven ♥__♥ They introduced themselves and said their greeting :) it was a dream come true to hear them greet together with their signature hand gesture :) Their Engrish was insanely cute :) Key's English was flawless :] they asked how we are doing and there was this translator backstage . I found it pretty funny though <: So they were practically very sweet and charming :) Btw, the fans were quiet when they talked which was different from what I saw from fancams when they came to Singapore and everyone was shouting . I'm proud of my fellow SG Shawols :) kekeke

6. Stand By Me

They had the English translation written on the screen~ Jjong's and Leader's vocal was really outstandingly good :) voices of angels ♥

7. Love Still Goes On

OHGOSH, my yeobo's rapping skills are asdfghjklasdfghjkl awesome okay ? Sexy namjas :) the moves were cute and easy-going too :]

8. Hello

♫ Hello, hello  So this was unexpected . I didn't know they would perform this song ^^ the BG was also kawaii, it was a recorded silhouette of them dancing :) And their close-ups shot arrows in my heart ♥ At one part, Taemin was dancing a bit slower than his shadow :) his mistakes are seriously adorkable ^O^ Andand, Minho's voice kind of broke which was so cute ^_~

9. Solo Stages

Leader Onew : Despite having sore throat on that day, he still manged to pull off his stage perfectly . His vocals were strong ♥ his voice was tender, sweet and calming :) Sofea was totally hypnotized by it ^^ haha . Actually everyone was hypnotized by it ♥

Bling Bling Jonghyun : One word, WOAH . No wonder he is the main vocal of SHINee :) He was so cool and handsome, singing ♥ Precious dinosaur :) No one could ever change your position as the main vocal sweetie :) you are the BEST~~

Almighty Key : ♫ My first kiss went something like this ♫ This was the cutest thing I've ever seen okay . Taemin's cross-dressing and their playful acts are just plain adorable~ Taemin as a girl is so much better looking than any girl I've ever seen okay . His legs were sooo thin :/ aigoo, i'm so embarrassed -___- But, his muscular arms gave it away ^^ Seeing them dancing so energetically made me scared that the pretty wig he has on would fall off  >< silly me >< Overall, Key's stage was the most fun :)

Charisma Minho : ♫ Oh my god, I'm so in love ♫ Yes, you made everyone in the stadium fall in love with you dearest Choi Minho . It was just too hot for me to handle . I was shouting 'Choi Minho' the whole time that people were giving me weird looks . LOLOLOLOL ~ Oh yeahh, his abs were getting much more defined than in the previous SWCs :D I just loved the sight of it :) And of course, I'm thankful cause I got to see it :] And that concludes the hottest stage of SWC SG ♥♥♥

Maknae Taemin : ♫ I fall so deep in love, with such a girl like you  The bared arm shirt he has on was so sexy, ohmygod i wanna touch his milky white arms so badly >.< Aigooo, you are making me crazy Lee Taemin . His dance + vocals was just too surreal . There was just this pure innocent sexiness coming from him which defines his personality and makes people fall for him ♥ And the little girl and boy acting for the intro made the performance much more sweeter :)

10. A-Yo

 A-yo, himi deulttaen duntadak rhythm-e gidaeyeo oh  My favorite tunes of all time :) Taemin came out quite late ^^ he needed more time to change back into a boy I guess ᄏᄏᄏ They were running and everyone was so cheerful and bubbly :D They did some 'moon walking' and the way Key laughs was totally like an umma ^O^ Then, at some point of time, Jjong sat cross-legged in front of these few lucky fans and they took a polaroid picture of him . grrrr, lucky people :/  it was so upclose . He even went to the arena seats and the girls were touching him while this man snapped a picture of him :[ me so not happy :[ :[ :[ but it was still cuteee ♥

11. Romantic

♫ Can I go I wanna be I won't let you be your man  Ahhh, my favorite ballad from them :) Its 2min's favorite too :) Their voices were perfect ♥ And their white colured costumes were the best :D

12. Graze

♫ Seems like I should forget you, But when I see the picture that we took together, I can't ever forget you  God, their choreo was killing me . It was pure sexiness oozing out from each one of them .... Aish, i'm beginning to sound perverted to you guys right ? Mianhae, i was reckless >< and thumbs up to their vocals especially to maknae who has improved a lot ♥

                               -----> PROUPROUDPROUD shawol here <--------

13. Replay

♫ Noona neomu yeppeo (micheo), Replay replay replay ♫ Wah wah wah, i feel like crying when i heard it . Its their debut song so don't ask me why I'm being emotional T.T The moves were clean-cut just like what I've always imagined it to be :) Taem and Minho did Taemin's solo dance together which makes me extra happier ^O^ 2MIN is my OTP okay :) I'm a shipper :> And I loved their colorful skinnies and Key's and Onew's shirt ♥ And, the video :( Aish, I'm sooo jealous of those girls in the video . It is cute though . Especially Key :) With his balloons XD

14. Love Like Oxygen

♫ Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo ♫ Wheee, i heard Jjong's MJ voice which Onew always imitates :) Awesome ttm :D Their moves were so sharp and precise ^O^ Taemin's leg are too flexible i thought it would break anytime soon ><

15. Quasimodo

♫ I am trying dying crying for you, baby ♫ Ahh. the crying video :( their acting was good :) Especially Jonghyun's :'( and this song showed off their vocals the most :) Actually, i forgot what happened here . So i'll skip it. Sorry :P NEXT!!!

16. Life

♫ All want is you, Only one is you in my life  Ohmygod, this song kept playing in my head . Its like there is a repeat button , i swear :B And this song was when Onew moved to our side . Sofea and I was so close to him . As in like only a few meters away . That was the best moment ever . Dubu looked very calm but tired (?) . His hair was covering his face and I just felt like reaching out to him to sweep away his hair from his face . Sofea would kill me if she saw what I just wrote though :/ He was all serious which was unusual of him ^O^ It was a really pretty scene though . I'll treasure it forever ♥

17. Lullaby (?) [ God, I can't remember what the title was :s]

My sweet angels angels flying in the air ^_~ the video was really cute too :) it tells a story about a boy whose mom sings this lullaby to sleep~ i loved the video and performance :) the lucky SG child actor got a hug from ONEW !~ You are lucky lil' boy ~~ And, SHINee wearing white is the BEST :D

18. Ring Ding Dong

♫ Baby, naegae banhae beorin naegae wae irae ♫ God, this was very sexy !! Especially when Key took off his jacket, revealing his shoulders :D GOSH !! JUST LET ME WATCH IT AGAIN WILL YOU !! They did the remix . Taembb dancing was very charismatic+sexy . It makes you want to watch it all over again plus I guarantee you will never get sick of it . Its just the way he moves his hand, head, legs, and everything which makes me want more and more . Even his facial expression are asdfghjkl superb~~ And the video = nosebleed . Kibum-sshi why are you so sexy ? wae ?!?!

19. Up & Down

♫ Neowae neowae downiya gibooni, Owae owae cheok hamyeon cheok   This practically made me want to dance along with it :) they were running/playing a lot and it was nice seeing them let loose and have fun (Y)

20. Ready Or Not

♫ Are you ready or not, you ready or not  Their spinning was so cool it made the fans get more and more excited ^O^ Everybody was running around following their biases since the mosh pit was kind of empty :P

21. Lucifer

♫ Loverholic, Robotronic, Loverholic, Robotronic  Ok, ohmygod this was honestly the performance I've been waiting for . I wanted to see everything, the tutting, the giant insect and them flying with their lasers :) They did the remix and it was too too unimaginably good okay ^O^ The fanchants for Lucifer was the best . I guess everyone knew the fanchant well enough~ And once the lights are off, they had to get the rope thing off them themselves and Minho had some difficulty so I was thinking ' I WANT TO GET ON STAGE AND GET THAT NASTY THING OFF HIM !! ' Lololol, so much for being a crazy fangirl ^^

22. Encore

The lights were dimmed and the screen said,

The 1st SHINee World Concert
Thank You

That was when reality hit me. It was going to be over soon, i just hated the feeling of I-just-met-you-and-got-comfortable-with-you-but-we-have-to-separate-now . It was a horrible feeling, like a breakdown . Then, everyone was shouting ' Encore, encore, encore, encore .... ' *pause* ' SHINee, SHINee, SHINee, SHINee .... ' Haha, cute SG shawols ^O^ They came back dressed in their SHINee World Concert tees ♥ making everyone happy all over again :)

23. Jojo

♫ So many nights I wonder why, What can I do to make it right, Everything will be alright, So JoJo just tell me why♫ At the start of the song and his last line, yeobo shouted ' THANK YOU SINGAPORE ! ' Aww, no its thank you to you SHINee :) I was half-expecting Jongho to kiss again but instead Minho just touched Jjong's head . Bet he can't risk getting kissed again ^O^ Then, at the end, Minho did a thumbs up sign . He's such a love ♥

24. Bodyguard 

This was the most energetic stage :) They were playing with water, throwing balls and most importantly, having fun :D Aigoo, this cuties :) And did you know that I almost got Key's red ball which he kissed ! Yeah, I had it for a second when this bitch grabbed it -_____- zZzZzZz . It was all wet from his sweat and kiss ^O^ I touched Key's sweat people !!~ His sweat okay, that's a big deal :D There was a lot of Jongho moments . They kept splashing water at each other ^O^ Then ! Jonghyun sat on the very end of the stage and posed for the fans to take pictures :) He was the most excited there ^_^ And, one fan threw this red Minho jersey on stage and he placed it on his back like a cape :] 

25. Short Talk

Jjong kept splashing water at baby Taem so Minho took revenge for him by splashing one whole bottle on Jjong ^^ 2MIN is real okay ♥

26. One

♫ Urigati One, two, three, oh! Ja shijakhaeyo  *sobsobsobsobsob* Their last song =( By this time, everyone had taken out their ' Happy 키's day ' banner . It was so wonderful ♥ Minho splashed water at Key and said ' Happy birthday to you~ ' . Minkey is a cute OTP :)

27. Ending

The little transparent papers flew and it looked very pretty :) I even brought one piece home ^^ haha~ There were a lot of 'thank you' and 'thank you so much' from them . I saw Onho, Ontae, 2min, Minkey but no Jongkey . Weird much ? o.o Then, Jjong wore this weird alien sunglasses with a soonja hat and key laughed oh too cutely :) I laughed too, he's a cute dino ^_^ 

Taemin: everyone did you have fun today?
Fans: Ne!
Taemin: why are you replying even though you don't understand me?

I love my mushroom/sunflower boy to death okay :) There was the flying bits of paper on Jjong's hair so Taemin reached out to him . The fans went, 'Awww' and Taemin went like 'What?' . Sheesh, our maknae is still as cute as he is :) Then, he whispered to Minho :) 2min and Jongtae FTW ♥ And I don't know how, Jjong got the red banner ^^ He proudly showed it off onstage~ Originally, we had planned to sing in Korean but SHINee sang it in English so we just followed them :P Onew even did some adlibs by himself, heheheh~~ Jonghyun sprayed this pink stuff onto Key and they made him dance . He was too cute I wanted to bite him ^_~ Jonghyun ! Ohmygod, that guy is killing me with his cuteness and randomness . He repetitively shouted 'THANKYOU' rock version . Aigooo, i was already melting down there with their aegyo ^^And Key's 'Hope to see you again' + Taemin's 'I Love You' . And there they go backstage just like that...

Then, I took pictures with Sofea :) Some fans even cried :( Lol, why would you cry ? Be happy that you got to see them up close aites ? So, I went home and that's all from me :) Thank you btw for reading my lengthy post ^_^ 

P.S : I believe Choi Minho smiled at me (?) during the ending cause everyone was holding Key's red banner but I was the only one with his orange chulbal banner :) I'm not sure if he really smiled at me but just let me think of it as he smiled at me okay ? :D

♥ Amirah ♥

[ Pictures would be up by tomorrow, I swear (Y)]

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Happy Birthday Lee Jinki 'THE FIRST' All for Choi Minho :] Happy Birthday Choi Minho zoozoozoo ^O^ My awesome & hugeee family ^O^ #SWCSG (100911♥) [ Pictures ] FAN-ACCOUNT #SWCSG (100911♥) SHINee Quotes ♥ Precious vocal :)